the story of a mild mannered Stoke on trent boy becoming a teacher. Or a year spent being bullied by fourteen year old girls...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Last line of defence

I've just got back from seeing 'The Sentinel', a fairly ordinary American film about a plot to kill the president and the loyalty of the men and women (including Eva Longoria - nice) who protect him. Now this is a fairly pedestrian outing by any standards, no plot development and of course it was all very predictable. So why do the big names still get involved with these projects? There's nothing new here and it strikes me as unlikely that Mr Douglas and Mr Sutherland are in need of the bucks.

My little theory to float to you is that in a way these movies are the last line of defence, if Hollywood wasn't telling us that the most powerful man in the world is safe and loyally followed who else would? Do the power players in Hollywood, and Michael Douglas was a producer and star here, feel it is their patriotic duty to perpetuate a myth of invincibility that really protects American supremacy? And if they do, why do they? I guess it's good box office fodder but surely there are more important things to make films about.

Anyway enough of that stuff, I also went for lunch with a gorgeous blonde today and had my own (now) golden locks retouched and chopped. No real progress made in terms of packing or preparation for the PGCE. Two days of concerted effort are required before the weekend when I head off for my primary placement starting on Monday.

Although I am enjoying this time off the pace of life certainly makes time go slowly so I'm very much looking forward to things picking up and boy are they going to....


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