the story of a mild mannered Stoke on trent boy becoming a teacher. Or a year spent being bullied by fourteen year old girls...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome to my world!

Well here I am, finally on the verge of starting my teaching training and I hope to use this little corner of the web to record what promises to be a very interesting journey.

For those of you who just happen across my little blog here's a potted history, the story so far...

After a fairly uneventful childhood in North Staffordshire, with seven years at a not very posh independent school I landed in Leicester in 1999 to do an English degree.

Four years later and with a year in Amsterdam (no, not like that) to boot, I graduated with a first (nobody was more surprised..) and went straight back to do a masters.

The masters was not a massive success but I spent the year as a subwarden in the halls and did graduate with my second degree in 2004.

So there I was BA MA and working in a hotel. Staying local and as a sub warden I had a little adventure in the world of charity work for a well known ambulance charity and all the bizarreness that came along with it.

A year spent away from halls living with a uni friend and five months working at an airport brings us right up to date!

Well I did say a potted history and I have missed out lots of very important people and happenings but I'm sure they'll emerge over the coming months. Keep reading and I'll fill you in...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rob

Look forward to hearing your chronicles as a trainee teacher...

I presume it won't involve placing in appropriate publications in between the dinner plates like you did in a certain North Staffordshire Hotel...!

Best of luck my dear
A x

9:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rob,

How could I ever forget our laughs at the Leicester hotel??? "yeah I know" !!!!

Maybe I should have done "summit"(crappy leicester accent) like this when I first came over to Sunny SA,it's almost like an online diary.

I have a hormonal 16 year old at home, one is enough, so good luck with your many 14 years, ever need any advice in the world of teens dont forget I have hands on experience for teenage aliens (thats how it feels, they only become human again after the age of about 18/19)Mines just dumped her no good, lying & cheating boyfriend but still has feelings for him?????? Work that one out!!!!!
We'l be back in December so may see you sooner than you think. Just think of all those school hols you get off - Bitch!!!

I see you had a late nite last nite!! and you have school in the morning shame on you. tsk tsk!!!

Good Luck Matey


11:36 PM


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